So many buffalo! It's like a scene from "Dances With Wolves"...
I wish I had the biggest camera ever! - one that can capture what we are seeing with our eyes. When I look at the west side of the Valley, I can see the sun setting. Then, as I turn my head to the east side of the Valley, I can see the moon rising. There are completely different colors on each side of the Valley, and both events are happening simultaneously. Something I'll always remember...

In NY, I have often visited the MOMA on Target Free Fridays (thank you, Target!) and there are a few paintings there that I always make sure to see. One of them is a painting by Henri Rousseau. It is entitled, The Sleeping Gypsy, and was completed in 1897. I don't know why I am always drawn to it, except that the colors and simplicity stop me in my tracks...
I kept thinking of that painting while I saw these final two scenes in Lamar Valley in real life...
this is beautiful holly! thanks for your company on this beautiful ride to lamar. maybe someday we three will make that trip again. we're missing you already!